
Quando eu acho que não há mais nada a descobrir...

... acho uma "rare non live version" de Water do Oingo Boingo.


A rara é a não-ao-vivo pq essa música só tem no show Farewell até então.
E vou ficar devendo pq não tem no youtube (?)
Uma pena.

Eu estava procurando um vídeo que tivesse essa parte do show, pq eu ouvi a música essa semana e lembrei de uma coisa muito importante: antes de qq evento, idéia, associação, admiração ou ressentimento que tenham me inspirado (e geralmente inspiram as pessoas) a escrever o meu roteiro de zumbi pro tcc surgirem, o pontapé inicial de tudo veio de uma frase dessa música:

"how many crying girls will be left behind
when the dead start walking and the full moon shines?"

Eu sempre fui muito chorona, e acho que na época logo antes de começar a pensar no tcc eu tinha medo do que ia acontecer comigo numa ocasião zumbi por eu ser assim.

Agora não.
Eu ainda sou chorona, mas não me configuro mais como crying girl.

Vou deixar a letra aqui no final pq vale a pena, e tb a minha reclamação de que o Oingo Boingo é a banda com menos material no mundo, não se acha nada em lugar nenhum.
(pq ninguém da banda tava preocupado com isso tb rs)

Eu sei que a letra é grande, mas é uma jornada que vale a pena.

Now everybody tells me you're the dog's best friend
I'm the cat's meow since I don't know when
I'm an instigator from a dead man's town
So when did the whole world turn upside down
When did you change your mind, when did you lose the juice
Now where did you get your attitude
When did you give it away, what did the old man say
And how many babies did you kick today
Now how many nights can the full moon shine
How many bottles of water can you turn to wine
When the blood has flowed against the tides of time
And the water flows forever
Hey hey hey!

Now I'm gonna build a boat, I'm gonna make it float

'Cause I'm getting the chase for a faraway place
Gonna set the sail, gonna catch some wind
And the big red sky's gonna be my only friend
With a boat for two, just me and you
You can be my teacher, I can teach you too
Gonna try a few things that I've never done
Maybe talk to the fishies, maybe have some fun
Maybe shake my pale fist at the angry stars
While I dance a jig under the eyes of Mars
When we get to an island where no one's ever been
We can get down and dirty in our animal skins
And I stand with my thing hanging out in the wind
Where the water's sweet like honey
Hey hey hey!

I've been feeling a chill, from the east wind blue

It's been creeping up slow, have you felt it too?
Have you noticed the look? Have you felt the feel?
Did it make you blush when the piggy squealed
Have you heard what they say, did you read the news
Said the old man's coming home a-singing the blues
Gonna whack your fanny, gonna tan your hide
Make your ears turn red, make you wanna cry
Now how many children gonna lose their minds
How many crying girls will be left behind
When the dead start walking and the full moon shines
When the dead start walking and the full moon shines
When the dead start walking and the full moon shines
When the dead start walking and the full moon shines
When the dead start walking... yeah

Now everybody sing to the heavens above

And everybody dance to the sounds of love
Won't you clack your teeth, won't you smack your hands
Won't you dig your little heads right out of the sand
Won't you jiggle your butt, won't you wave your arms
Won't you look like you just came off of the farm
Won't you stop your fighting for a second or two
Won't you help your neighbors, won't you do the do
Won't you taste the sugar, won't you eat the cake
Won't you get your ugly mug right out of my face
Won't you tell your brothers and your sisters tonight,
That you tasted the water and the water was right
Won't you taste the sugar, won't you dance the dance
Won't you wake up please, come on out of your trance

Everybody make believe that you disappear

For a second or two, gonna feel so queer
And you left behind all your rage and fear
And it made you feel like water

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