through being cool

Tô adorando essa visibilidade do DEVO, hoje a página do Facebook deles postou uma entrevista com o Mark Mothersbaugh falando sobre um programa infantil, ou melhor, mais um programa infantil, já que ele atualmente é mais conhecido pela participação atuando e compondo para eles do que pelo DEVO. E é isso que o entrevistador pergunta.

Eu ri.

Geek: What’s your reaction to being thought of as more of a soundtrack composer, and one who has done so many kids shows -- and now thought of as Jimmy’s dad – and less as a member of Devo?

Mothersbaugh: I think it’s a little bit of security in case I fall on hard times. If I need a place to crash for the night 10 years from now, there might be some kid that goes, “Oh yeah, he wrote the music for ‘Rugrats’” or “He was Jimmy’s dad in ‘The Aquabats’” and “You can sleep in our garage for the night, Mr. Mothersbaugh, but just for the night or two and then you’ve got to go back out.” No actually, I’ll tell you what’s been fun, because of “Yo Gabba Gabba!” I can sit in airports and there will be a two year-old with a binky in their mouth and in a stroller, and they’ll start screaming “Yo Gabba Gabba!” and their parents will have no idea what their kid is talking about. I get to have a private moment with the child sitting across the aisle, even without a permanent Sharpie marker and mustache.

Os vídeos são muito bons, meu deus. Que programa é esse The Aquabats??
Open the worm and get your mama out hahahaha

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