sonho da Lorde

No meu sonho sobre alguma coisa, a Lorde cantou uma música inédita incrível.
Eu não lembro como era, mas dizia "your destination is my destiny"

E o único lugar da internet no qual eu achei essa exata frase é esse poema sobre malamutes do Alaska

  • Hup! Hup! On by! Do not remain behind.
    Know this! Know this! Your situation is most clear.
    Run! Run! You are fast runners, strong runners.
    Be proud! Be proud, you are among the beauties in the world.
    What do you have? What do you have? That the human does not have?
    Give that! Give that! Whisper it in my ears.
    Tell me that! Tell me that, if you are ghostly wanderers of the night.
    You with eyes of azure blue wild and untamed
    You with eyes of burnt amber fierce and strong
    Take Heart! Take Heart! Don’t look back.
    Finish Strong! Finish Strong! Your destination is my destiny.
    Hup! Hup! On by! Do not remain behind.

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