Duran Duran - What Happens Tomorrow

What Happens Tomorrow

Child, don't you worry
It's enough you're growing up in such a hurry
Brings you down the news they sell you
To put in your mind that all mankind is a failure

But nobody knows what's gonna happen tomorrow
We try not to show how frightened we are
If you let me I'll protect you however I can

You've got to believe
it'll be alright in the end

Fighting, because we're so close
There are times we punish those who we need the most
No, we can't wait for a saviour
Only got ourselves to blame for this behaviour

And nobody knows what's gonna happen tomorrow
We try not to show how frightened we are
Would seem lonely, if you were the only star in the night


(what happens when I think in english)

the way I see it,
nobody gave each other time to think about
nobody asked for time anyway
nobody thought they might change their minds

that´s why I think everything is exactly the way it should be

do you know what happens on an ordinary weekend?
I wake up on a saturday dreading the fact that if i don´t do anything, I could be alone all day
and I can do anything I want
I don´t have parents problems like everyone has
they´re always going through so much that never to invested on "family time"
and I thought I would never miss it

but as close as I might be to my friends
(and my family absense made it very close)
they just aren´t here everyday
and a lot of times they can´t be

so I wake up on a blank saturday
never tired enough to actually rest
but taking the time to exercice being alone

there was a time, when I was sick
the most lonely one
but also the one that I could bear it the least
bacause I asked for the company of the wrong person
so now I exercise being alone on weekends
just like people exercise their bodies

and when the night comes
it seems like everybody´s been lonely
the alone ones, of course
and we just start to gather up to hang out
like magic

I don´t know what they´ve been doing all day
sometimes I wish I had been with them
most of times I am

It hasn´t always been like this
I can´t remember what weekends have always been like
but I do now that I used to like having jobs that occupied saturdays or sundays
so that I would have something to do

when I had a boyfriend, I probably didn´t have to worry about this
but now I don´t
and that´s a long story

but you know what?
I don´t like to work on weekends anymore
and I really aprecciate exercising my loneliness
so I think it must be getting better

and lately I have been wondering
I´ve spent so much time being alone without ever learning
just complaining
and now I feel I´m really going through something important here
the kind that if I don´t do this now, it might be too late

this gathering of people...
wanting to have fun
it´s rather new in my young life
I´m sure I started late
but when I stop to think about it
a lot of people never had it
or they´r gonna learn really late
when nobody else is up for it

we leave responsabilities on a friday to pick back up on monday
without anything better to do than not knowing what´s gonna happen

Um comentário:

João Pedro Lima disse...

nem sei dizer quão profundo é isso... quase achou petróleo
me faz pensar...